The release notes for August 2022 are organized as follows:
- Release Overview
What’s New (8)
- Settlement Statuses on Debt Reports
- Create ClixSign Landing Page
- Update ClixSign Front End to Add No Tracking Meta Tags
- Enhanced Debt Collection Agency Field Updates/Tracking
- Added Document Tag for Program End Date
- Added Tag for Dropped Date {DROPPED_DATE)}
- Added Status Change History Log
- Added Feature to TransUnion Integration to Allow Reports Download in PDF
- What’s Improved (5)
Release Overview
2022-08 provides several new features and significant improvements to DebtPayPro. Note that the acknowledgment of releases that originated as requests via the Forth Aha IdeaBoard are assigned an Aha Number in the following format - "CRM-I-XXX".
What's New
Settlement Statuses on Debt Reports
This new feature removes settlement status from the Debts report and is no longer available to be added as a field when creating a new report. Finally, this new feature augments the settlement ID field to display "NA" if no settlement is reached.
Create ClixSign Landing Page
Previously, when going to, the page redirected you to a 404 page ( ). This created an issue with search engines indexing the wrong pages. A new landing page for ClixSign was developed and released to prevent this issue.
Update ClixSign Front End to Add "No Tracking" Meta Tags
This update of the Clixsign front-end application prevents search engine robot trackers from indexing/tracking Clixsign documents.
Enhanced Debt Collection Agency Field Updates/Tracking (CRM-I-311)
This new addition now logs detailed changes to a debt's "Collection Agency" field. The collection agency field is located and visible on the "Edit Debts" screen.
Every time the collection agency field is updated on the Client Debts / Accounts page, the history listing should reflect the correct verbiage as "Debt Updated: (Creditor) From {XYZ} to {ABC}". In addition, the CRM now automatically creates a debt note under the specific debt with the following language: "Collection Agency Updated from {XYZ} to {ABC}". Finally, the History tab of the contact's client dashboard displays changes made in the "COLLECTION/DEBT BUYER" field on Client Debts / Accounts.
Added Document Tag for Program End Date (CRM-I-575)
This new feature creates a tag to pull the final transaction date from enrollments so that companies would be able to pull in the program end date on their contracts. This new tag has the naming convention of {PROGRAM_END_DATE}. This tag should fetch the last transaction date as per the enrollment plan., and when used in document/email/SMS templates, it should fetch the program end date as per the contract.
Added Tag for Dropped Date {DROPPED_DATE}
When sending a webhook to a client that has never been dropped, the dropped_date field is populated with the {DROPPEDDATE} tag instead of just being blank. With this new addition, when the webhook is executed and there is no dropped date, no date nor tag placeholder is displayed.
Added Status Change History Log
This new feature added a contact history log entry to show status changes in the History tab within the client dashboard.
Added Feature to TransUnion Integration to Allow Reports Download in PDF
TransUnion credit reports used to be received as a txt file from the provider and we would build a PDF after parsing. The update to the TransUnion Integration version was made to download and store credit reports in PDF format.
What's Improved
User Editing Update
This update provides a way to restrict all users who are not part of the parent company (i.e., affiliates) from being able to change their assigned company under the edit user settings. Previously, clients would have to restrict affiliate managers from editing their own users because of this.
Added Contact Full Name to Advance Page
Formerly, when you edited an advance, the top left side of the page displayed just the Business Name of the contact. This update now displays the contact's full name (first and last names) near the business name (assuming the first name or last name fields are filled in on the client record.
Updated the Release Log to Direct User to Release Notes in Zendesk
This improvement Instead of maintaining a separate release log in the CRM, we linked the existing Release Notes in our Zendesk-based Help Center to the CRM. We also updated the link title from “Release Log” to “Release Notes” for consistency.
Updates to Adding and Saving Documents (CRM-I-596)
This improvement now provides the ability to unlink a debt from an uploaded document. For example, after uploading a document and choosing a debt to associate the document with, users may now be able to unassign the debt that was linked, if it was done by mistake instead of doing the workaround of downloading the document and uploading it again. In addition, it also prevents users from editing a debt and un-selecting a document type. We also added a column to show what Debt/Creditor the document is linked to.
Client Refund Address Change to Submit Checks
When processing a client refund, sometimes a consumer's address needs to be updated so that a refund check can be processed to an address different than the consumer's address on record. (e.g. Elderly client living with a son under his care - needs refund sent to his home vs. Mom's home in another state). We added the ability to change the address on the MAIL TO ADDRESS on the Graduate Client/Cancel Program page.
As a result of this update, if you are sending a refund check, the address change that is being made in the MAIL TO ADDRESS field on this page only affects this transaction and does not update or change the client's address on record within the system.
To access other monthly release notes, please click Here.