Doc. Number | Article Title | Effective Date | Version |
FHC-XX | Integrations Settings Self-Management | December 30, 2024 | 0.4 |
This article explains how to properly assign permissions to the Integrations Settings page, and how to properly use it for their business cases. Forth has made the Integrations Settings pages public-facing and easily accessible (with appropriate role permissions, of course!). With this update, we are making it permissible for a client to access and use the Integration Settings page.
IMPORTANT: You need to set correct permissions for the correct roles so this page doesn't get used in a way that could potentially harm your integrations. We encourage clients to follow the "Principle of Least Privilege" when assigning permissions to access this page to ensure your integration settings are not corrupted.
Not only can you control who can access and use this page, but you can also track who made what changes, bringing Accountability and Transparency.
Accountability on our end comes from us handing back the control of your integration settings to you. There is also accountability on the client side because the client can now assign who receives access.
We're showing transparency by now allowing you to see a feature previously inaccessible, and letting you use it. You can also have transparency in the ability to see and track just who made what changes to any given integration at any time via the Changelog.
NOTE: Not every account holder has the same integrations.
Within the Forth Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), the integration settings page is available by clicking the Admin tab and then the “Integrations” button on the menu ribbon.
On the left side of the page is a listing of the integration categories that can be viewed and are available to the client. These are:
- Payment Gateways
- Credit / Finance Integration - lending companies, such as WUSA Federal Savings and Loan (FSL)
- Phone Systems / Dialers - Self Explanatory
- Electronic Signature (retired March 2022)
- Other Integrations - services like Veritas Legal Plan, TransUnion, and MeridianLink (among others)
- Debt Relief Providers
- SSO Providers - services that provide single sign-on services
You will see all currently enabled integrations. You may have the specific integrations shown here, or some combination thereof, based on your account, add-ons, or enhancements. If there is an integration that you are interested in, contact our Sales and Support Team at
If you click on one of the "Currently Enabled" integrations, you will see a page similar to the one shown below.
All integrations have credentials, and we can filter by all active credentials or inactive credentials. Access credentials may look a little different depending on each integration’s particular requirements.
You can edit an existing set or create new credentials by clicking “Create a New Set”.
Once you click "Create New Set," your page will appear like the one below.
You can change the name by clicking on the pencil icon, and you can make this credential “Active” or “Inactive.” You may also change the Environment to “Live” or “Sandbox”.
You may assign which companies will be enabled or disabled. To move a company listing from Disabled to Enabled, select one or more and then click the single arrow just above the Disabled column. Once you do that, the company or companies you select will be enabled within this set.
If you click on the Credentials dropdown (see highlighted box below on the left), you will have the option to select Mappings (see highlighted image below).
When you click on Mappings, options become available to establish a set of mappings (see below).
By clicking on the pencil icons next to each required field mapping row, a dropdown menu of possible fields is shown for you to assign for your mapping requirements.
See the image below for an example of a completed field mapping.
There are two types of Field Mappings. The first type is an Integration Field, and the second is a System Field. If you hover over "Integration Fields," you will see data points presented within that can be mapped to a specific party.
IMPORTANT: Contact the Forth Sales and Support teams to learn more about how to use the Integrations Settings page because this tool should be used by IT Support or Super-Admin users.
Change Log
The change log is a table we can filter to see a specific date range, specific users, and/or an operation to update, create, and delete. To access it, go to the Admin tab, click "Integrations" and then click "Integrations Change Log" at the top left of the page (see below).
The following page will then appear. It is set up to answer the following questions - Which integration was it? What set title was acted upon? What operation was updated, created, or deleted? What user? What time? and what was the set ID so the set title and the set ID are linked?
If you do not immediately see the change you are looking for, you can filter your search using the "Date," "User," and "Operation" (Update, Create, or Delete) dropdown menus.
If you click the green arrow icon in the Details column (see above), a dialog box opens like the one below. Under the Setting Name column, you will see information such as Application Key, Client/API Token, Utilize KBA-Less Workflow. You may also see settings such as Client ID, Client Secret, API Key, and Assignments. For each of these setting names, you will see a previous version and the current version, showing you what was changed.
The Change Log is the tool that allows a client to maintain accountability for the client’s users utilizing this page.
Permission to access this page is accessed by clicking on the Admin tab and then clicking "Roles" from the Navigation Bar.
The User Roles will not default to any particular role. If you want to create a new role that is not offered in the dropdown menu, enter a name in the “Role Name” text field, select a Parent role from the middle dropdown menu option, and then select a “Default Note Type” from the right-most dropdown, and then click the checkbox if you wish this new role to be assignable (see top left of the image below).
If you want to edit a role, go to the dropdown menu and select (for this example) “admin.” From here, you will see the existing modules/permissions for the admin role.
Whether you just created a new role or you use a pre-existing role, you may now choose the settings that you wish the client to have access to. You may select all by clicking the various “Select All” links or select specific permissions to enable. The permission for Integrations is found by scrolling down the page to the “Admin” section.
Go to the “Add/Edit Integrations” listing and click the checkbox to enable it.
NOTE: A prerequisite is having access to the Admin tab; otherwise, they will not be able to access the page.
Once you have the “Add/Edit Integrations” permission enabled, save the role by clicking the “Save” button at the menu ribbon at the top left of the page.
You should now see that it says saved. Another way to confirm that this change was made, is to log in as a user with the role you just created or modified. From the Admin tab, search for a user that has the role you just created or modified.
Click on the appropriate green arrow at the far right of the page.
From the “Edit User” page, click on “Login as User” from the menu ribbon. If you have the correct permissions, you will be able to log in.
Go to the Admin Tab, and see that the user role has been correctly assigned the capability to add and edit the Integrations Settings page.
This update saves a lot of “back and forth” using email or support tickets.
Article Version History:
Version | Effective Date | Description |
Basic | 03/30/2022 | Initial Release |
0.1 | 04/13/2022 | Formatting tweaks only - no subject matter update. |
0.2 | 01/20/2023 | Added header and version control footer; Removed company references with Forth for rebranding; screenshot refresh for rebranding. |
0.3 | 01/18/2024 | Minor formatting updates and tweaks. No subject matter updates. |
0.4 | 12/30/2024 | Refreshed most screenshots to improve readability; |