Doc. Number | Article Title | Effective Date | Version |
FHC-XX | Quick Quote | October 04, 2024 | 0.5 |
This article was developed to describe the "Quick Quote" features within the CRM. The Quick Quote tool provides a quick program estimate for prospective clients.
To access this feature, log in to the Forth CRM, click the Contacts tab, and select the Contact you wish a quote to be generated for. and click "Quick Quote" from the Navigation Bar (see the image below highlighted in red).
File Type Selection
After clicking "Quick Quote" you are then presented with options for which you wish a Quick Quote to be produced. Select the file type for the type of service you will be quoting for the contact.
Quick Quote (Business Loans)
Quick Quote (Student Loans)
Forth has an internal calculator for generating student loan payment plan estimates. The calculator was developed using the information provided by This can be accessed either by going to the Contacts Tab, selecting "Quick Quote" from the Navigation Bar, and selecting "Student Loans".
(You can also select the contact you are working with from the Contacts Tab, and then from the Client Dashboard, click "Retrieve Loans and Programs" from the Navigation Bar.
The page below will then appear. Note that it includes several links in the Navigation Bar for your convenience, including:
- YouTube Video
- Federal Online Calc
- View Contact (only appears if you access this page via the "Retrieve Loans and Programs" option.
You can upload a previously downloaded NSLDS Loan File by clicking "Choose File" (see image below). After this, click the "Calculate & Save" button at the bottom left of the page.
For more information about retrieving loans and programs, the following link directs to the Retrieve Loans & Programs article within our Help Center: Retrieve Loans and Programs (Opens in New Window).
Quick Quote (Debt/Other)
Program Snapshot Display Example
Below is a sample "program snapshot" table that is displayed alongside each Quick Quote. The Program payment schedule that will be displayed will vary based on the actual debt amount that is enrolled.
Article Version History:
Version | Effective Date | Description |
Basic | 01/22/2019 | Initial Release |
0.1 | 11/23/2022 | Formatting Tweaks Only; No Subject Matter Updates |
0.2 | 01/19/2023 | Added header and version control footer; Refreshed screenshots due to rebranding. No Subject Matter updates |
0.3 | 03/08/2023 | Refreshed two screenshots to improve legibility and corrected typos. |
0.4 | 10/12/2023 | Replaced references to "DPG Fees" with "Forth Pay Fees"; refreshed one screenshot. |
0.5 | 10/04/2024 | Refreshed several screenshots to improve readability and reflect the current user interface. |