Doc. Number | Article Title | Effective Date | Version |
FHC-XX | Creating User Login for Lead Vendors | October 26, 2023 | 1.0 |
This article was developed to describe the steps involved in creating a User Login for Lead Vendors within the CRM. In creating a Lead Vendor company, users and teams will allow you to set up a method for Lead Vendors to log into your system and view the status of contacts that they have imported.
1. Create a Company
To begin, click on the Admin tab and then click "Companies" from the Navigation Bar.
Now, click on Add Company from the updated Navigation Bar (see image below).
Enter the information for the company type (Lead Vendor), select the main company for the parent company, and fill in the Lead Vendor's company name and any other information you have. Be sure to check the "Active" box at the top. Once finished click "Save Company" on the navigation bar.
2. Create a Team Called Lead Vendor and add the created company
Click on the Admin tab again, and then click on "Teams" from the Navigation Bar.
Now, enter a new team name. For our example, we will enter “Lead Vendor” and then click "Save Team" on the navigation bar.
Now the team will appear on the list of created teams. Click on the 'team' to edit. Some options will now appear to add either Companies, Roles, or individual Users to the team. Select (highlight) our new lead vendor company, again our example is “Lead Vendor. Click "Save Team" on the navigation bar.
Now that you have created a team, this can be utilized on contact lists you may create and share with the lead vendor team. You probably will not allow the Lead Vendor's users to create lists themselves.
3. Adjust the Data Source
Now we will edit the data source leads are being imported from. Click on the Contacts tab, and then click on "Data Sources" in the Navigation Bar.
Edit the Data Source the vendor is posting leads to and edit the Assignment settings. Choose the given company with the dropdown menu associated with choosing a Lead Vendor. Make sure to check the box for “Assigning On” and then lower down on that section select the 'Lead Vendor' company (our example is also called "Lead Vendor"). This will make leads imported through this data source be automatically assigned to the "Lead Vendor" Company, this will allow a user from that lead vendor to see those leads.
4. Create a Role that will only have access to view contacts in the Contacts tab
Location: Admin Tab > Roles (navigation bar)
Create a new Role named "Lead Vendor". The left-most column of checkboxes activates the tabs so they are visible to the users with this role. In this scenario, only check “Contacts”. The next three columns contain permissions for functions contained under that tab in the CRM.
For the user with this new role of “Lead Vendor”; we only need View All Contacts and View Contact List checked (see image below) for a Lead Vendor user login, as they should not be able to alter anything on a contact, only view their status. You may assign further or fewer permissions, and we suggest playing with the role settings until you've found what works best for your situation.
5. Create a User Account for the Lead Vendor
Location: Admin Tab > New User (navigation bar)
Select the user type (Standard or Service) from the dropdown menu shown below on the left, and then enter the username, password, and then the password again under "Confirm". Next, select the company (Lead Vendor) the user will work under from the "Company" dropdown menu. Click "Save User" and you will be given further options for the new user.
Scroll down to "User Login Information" and fill in the required information notated with asterisks. Be sure to include an email address that can be used for the vendor. Now check the two (2) boxes under the User Login Information section labeled “Require Password Change at Next Login" and "Email Login Info” to send login credentials and have the user set their own password.
Click "Save" and a system-generated email will be sent to the email address and force them to change the password on the initial login.
Article Version History:
Version | Effective Date | Description |
Basic | 12/26/2016 | Initial Release |
0.1 | 09/20/2022 | Added header and minor formatting updates. |
1.0 | 10/26/2023 | Added version control footer; replaced all screenshots to better reflect the current user interface and to improve legibility. |