Doc. Number | Article Title | Effective Date | Version |
FHC-XX | Enrolling a Contact | May 10, 2024 | 1.3 |
This article was developed to provide information on enrolling a contact through a basic underwriting process into the Forth CRM. Enrollment should be done at the end of your sales process once you are ready to activate the client's scheduled payments and begin the back-end processing for your services.
In many cases, your underwriting process may differ. In this case, you may customize your enrollment process via the Enrollment Settings page. This article is broken down into the following sections:
- Navigate to the Enrollment Details page.
- Configure and Save an Enrollment Plan.
- Filling out an Enrollment Plan
- Submit the File for Approval.
- Approve the File.
- Complete the Enrollment.
- Important Things to Know About Enrolled Contacts
Navigate to the Enrollment Details Page
Go to the Contacts tab and select the client to enroll. This will take you to that client's dashboard. Click "Enrollment" from the Navigation Bar, which will bring you to the Enrollment Details page.
**NOTE: For the Debt Settlement File Type, the Enrollment button will not appear unless the contact has at least one (1) debt stored in their Debts nested tab within the Client Dashboard.
2. Select "Edit Enrollment Plan" from the Navigation Bar (see below).
Configuring and Saving an Enrollment Plan
Select the desired Enrollment Plan options from the "Program Checklist" shown on the left side of the page below, then click either of the following in the Navigation Bar:
- Save Enrollment Plan: Saves the plan, then takes you back to the Client Dashboard.
- Save & Generate Contract: Saves the plan, then takes you to the Generate Document screen.
Here is another example of what you may see if this is a Student Loan Enrollment Plan.
Filling out an Enrollment Plan
This Program Checklist screen is separated into three (3) major sections. Please note that this page can look different depending on your account access and the available enrollment plans.
Enrollment Plans (Left Side Section)
This is where you select the base plan you are enrolling the contact in, along with the details of said plan.
Select a Plan Account If your account is permitted to pull base plans from an affiliated account, this is where a user can specify which account the plan is located. If your account hosts all of your plans and does not work with other ForthCRM accounts, this section will not be present. |
Select a Base Plan This is where you select the base plan you are enrolling the contact with. |
Edit Program Length If applicable, this is where a user can select the program duration. By default, the duration is in Months. |
Fee Down Payment Very rarely used, this can allow a user to define a downpayment that goes towards fees specifically. |
# Debit Card (Rarely Used) |
Enrollment Fees / Monthly Fees / Etc. These can go by different names depending on the plan being used, but this is where the fee amount/duration can be selected. In this example, there is an enrollment fee, whose duration can be defined, and a monthly fee that will extend for the entire duration of the enrollment. Each different fee will have its own column to break down the payment on the Payment Schedule to the right. |
Est Settlement (only available for Debt Settlement File Type accounts) This is where a user can specify the Estimated Settlement Percentage of debts being enrolled. This is what will control what populates the “Savings” column of the Payment Schedule on the right of this page. |
First Payment Date If available, shows the date of the first payment to be made. It is not always available as an account may instead be set up to use Recurring Start Date to accomplish the same goal. |
Recurring Start Date This tells the CRM when recurring payments are to start. For example, if a payment is set to the 1st of the month (default monthly frequency) this tells the CRM that the second payment should be set to the 1st of the following month, etc (provided it lands on a valid business day) NOTE: If the account also uses First Payment Date, the first payment date just determines when the first payment is, it does not determine when the next/recurring payments should start. |
Custom Dates: This is not always enabled in an account by default. This allows a user to customize specific payment dates that may fall outside the first/recurring dates. For example, if recurring payments are set for the 1st, the Custom Button would allow a user to set one of the payments to be on the 15th if needed. |
Frequency Occurrence This section allows a user to set how often payments are being scheduled. By default, it is set to Monthly. NOTE: This section is not always on by default. Typically if it is not available, the CRM is set to only offer Monthly Frequency on payments. If this section is required for your account, please have an authorized contact reach out to the Forth Support team for assistance in enabling it. |
Custodial Account: This is where a user can set the gateway/payment processor to be used for this enrollment. If the CRM is only set to use one gateway/payment processor, this section will not display as all contacts will default to the only option. |
Choose Comp Template: This is where the Compensation Template for Fee Splits is selected. Be sure that an option is selected. DO NOT allow this to remain blank or it can cause fees to process as separate transactions rather than lumping them up together for each of the contact's scheduled payments. |
Program Snapshot (Top Middle Section)
This will show the debt details that the client has, including Total Debt, Est. Sett. Dollars (used for Debt Settlement File Types only), Total Fees, Est. Client Savings if they participate in the program (Debt Settlement clients only), and Total Current Payment (Only fills if the “Current Payment” option was filled in when debts were added to the contact’s file)
Choose Debts to Enroll (Right below Program Snapshot)
This section allows a user to define which debts on this contact’s file are being enrolled. Any unchecked box in this section will merely live on the contact’s client dashboard as an unenrolled debt.
Payment Schedule (Middle Page below Choose Debts to Enroll)
This section will appear based on the Enrollment Plan section and how it was completed. It will show the number of payments, when they are scheduled for, the fee breakdown, the payment total, and in Debt Settlement cases, the amount going towards Savings or the Account Balance (for Debt Settlement Escrow accounts only)
When you finish filling out the plan, select “Save Enrollment Plan” in the navigation bar.
Submit the File for Approval
Return to the Enrollment Details page by going to the Contacts tab, and selecting the client enrolling. This will take you to that client's dashboard. Click "Enrollment" from the Navigation Bar, which will bring you to the Enrollment Details page. From here you may either edit the enrollment plan (by clicking "Edit Enrollment Plan") or submit the client file to the next stage of the enrollment process by clicking "Submit File". Click Submit File.
The client file will now appear in the Submitted section of the Enrollments tab, awaiting approval.
Approve the File
At this point, a manager or processor User should take over reviewing the file. These Users must ensure all necessary documents have been collected, the payment schedule has been properly set up, and double-check other important items about the client's enrollment.
Click the Green Arrow at the right side of the row to return to the client's Enrollment Details page (see the bottom right side of the previous image).
From the Enrollment Details page, your manager or processor user will have two (2) options.
If the client's file meets the requirements, click Approve File (see first image below). A dialog box will appear (see the second image below) allowing you to add any important notes associated with the approval. Once complete, click the "Complete Approval" button within that dialog box.
If the client's file does not meet the requirements, you may:
- select Return File (see the image below) which can be used for corrections and re-submission from the Enrollment Details page. When selected, you will be given a dialog box to add notes as to why the file is being returned. Returned files can be located in the "Returned" section found within the Enrollments tab (see the image below).
- Select Reject File, which makes the file uneditable for re-submission.
- The dialog box below will then appear for you to provide an explanation of the decision to reject.
Complete Enrollment
Once approved, the file can be enrolled from the Enrollment Details page. At this point, perform a final review of the client's payment information, as after completing the enrollment, the client's scheduled payments will be live and processed automatically. At this stage, you have three (3) options. You may select to edit the current enrollment plan settings in the client file (Edit Enrollment Plan option), return a client file for further review (Return File option), or approve a client enrollment (Complete Enrollment option).
To complete the enrollment, click Complete Enrollment (see below).
The client's file will now appear in the Enrollments tab under "Enrolled" (See the red highlighted box below).
Important Things to Know About Enrolled Contacts
- Enrolled contacts cannot be deleted. If you need to delete an Enrolled contact, use the Reset Client tool to De-Enroll the entire file.
- **NOTE: The Debt Settlement file type does not have access to De-Enroll a file. Contact for assistance with this.
- Once a contact has been Enrolled, scheduled payments will be live and processed automatically. Payment processing differs between Payment Gateways. For detailed processing information about your Payment Gateway, click here.
- It is best practice to have the manager or processor users review files thoroughly before completing the enrollment. Client payments can result in Returned/NSF status because a client's Credit Card information was input incorrectly. Too many Returned/NSF transactions can negatively affect your reputation with your merchant processor.
- Depending on your Enrollment Settings, contacts may have their Workflow Statuses automatically updated as they move through the enrollment process.
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Article Version History:
Version | Effective Date | Description |
Basic | 12/26/2016 | Initial Release |
0.1 | 12/12/2022 | Added Header and Version Control Footer; Formatting Tweaks |
1.0 | 01/26/2023 | Refreshed all screenshots to reflect the user interface and updated subject matter to match these new screenshots. Updated hyperlinks where applicable. |
1.1 | 02/06/2023 | Simplify technical language to improve understanding. |
1.2 | 05/22/2023 | Subject Matter Review - additional screenshot refreshes to better reflect the user interface and to improve legibility. |
1.3 | 05/10/2024 | Minor grammatical tweaks. |